=========================================== Contents -------- A. VirusNet Installation Instructions B. Starting VirusNet C. VirusNet Operation D. v2.24c Changes =========================================== ------------------------------------- A. VirusNet Installation Instructions ------------------------------------- Thank you for evaluating at VirusNet, an automatic anti-virus and disaster recovery system from Safetynet, Inc. VirusNet has passed the certification tests of independent agencies such as the National Computer Security Association and provides effective protection against viruses. A. Installing VirusNet from Windows 1. Start Microsoft Windows. 2. Run SETUP.EXE from the directory where VirusNet files are stored. 3. You will have the option of creating a Program Manager or desktop group to launch the VirusNet programs. If you are not using Program Manager or Windows95, add VNWIN.EXE to your menu shell. B. Installing VirusNet from DOS The DOS eval is installed by copying the VirusNet files to a directory. -------------------- B. Starting VirusNet -------------------- VirusNet can be run from the DOS command-line or through its DOS and Windows interfaces. From the DOS command-line: 1. Run VN.EXE to receive a list of command-line options. - To scan your C: drive, type VN C: From Windows: 1. Select the "VirusNet" icon or run VNWIN.EXE directly. - Extensive context-sensitive help is available by pressing F1. 2. Click on the "Begin Scan" button from the Express Scan window. From DOS: 1. Run the VNDOS.EXE program. - Context-sensitive help is available by pressing F1. 2. Click on the "Begin Scan" button from the Express Scan window. From DOS Command-line: 1. Run the VN.EXE program without any parameters for various options. Examples: - To scan drive C:, run VN C: - To scan all hard drive partitions, run VN /HARD --------------------- C. VirusNet Operation --------------------- The DOS and Windows versions of VirusNet operate in a similar way. Feel free to explore the various menu choices and command buttons with your mouse or keyboard. If you need more information, press the F1 key to receive help on that item. Detailed help is provided to assist you. ------------------------- D. VirusNet v2.24 Changes ------------------------- Many new viruses have appeared recently. Since v2.24a was released, we've added detection of over 700 new viruses. We also added detection of Moloch, which was the only virus on the "Wild list" that we did not detect. This means that as far as we know, VirusNet now detects all the viruses that are considered a "real" problem anywhere in the world. Finally we corrected an error in in the memory detection of certain viruses. Version 2.24 - major changes: VirusNet offers full detection and removal of every varient of the HARE virus. We have added a Windows based macro detection and removal application, specifically written to detect and disinfect Microsoft Word and Excel macro viruses. This program can detect and disinfect over 50 macro viruses and Trojans, including the recently reported Laroux Excel virus. Please visit our WWW site to download this program. Version 2.24 - the following problems were found and corrected: The disinfection of the Quandary virus from the hard disk didn't work - VirusNet was complaining that the original MBR could not be found. Fixed. The DelCMOS viruses were not detected in memory. Fixed. Version 2.24 - the following false alarms were fixed: RD16.COM : Possibly a new variant of Chips Version 2.24 - new viruses: The following 31 viruses are now identified, but can not be removed as they overwrite or corrupt infected files. Some of them were detected by earlier versions of VirusNet, but not identified accurately. _180 Bugsb.282 Cascade.1701.AX (A damaged variant, which corrupts the original file) Danish_Tiny (164 and 282) ("buggy" variants) Leprosy.651 Measles.212 Nuts.360 Syskill.290 Trivial (29.G, 31.E, 32.D, 32.E, 32.F, 32.G, 34.D, 35.B, 35.C, 36.E, 37.D, 37.E, 37.F, 38.C 44.F, 44.G, 60, 78.B, 88.B and 320) Vorbis (155 and 166) The following 377 new viruses can now be removed. Many of them were detected by earlier versions, but are now identified accurately. In addition, we added detection and disinfection of various Word macro viruses. _366 _497 _514 _600 _699 _768 _948 _1097 _1259 _1522 _2124 Aaa.807 Adi_Pop (470 and 485) Alho.676 AntiCad (3000 and 3012.G) AOS (813, 823, 831, 839, 845 and 855) Arcv.746 Ash.743.M Babyly.674 BadSize.369 Beer (3225, 3434, 3441, 3522, 3612 and 3774) Best_Wishes.981 Bishkek.319 Blazer.1000 Bootexe.451.B BR.1180 BW (304, 309, 323, 382, 384, 395, 399, 400, 402, 405.A, 405.B, 412, 414, 488, 493, 550, 551, 552, 558, 559, 562, 567.A, 567.B, 572, 573, 575, 577.A, 577.B, 577.C, 579, 649 and 653.B) Bytewarr.1155 Caco.3310 Carioca.951.C Cascade (1701.AT, 1701.AV, 1701.AW, 1701.AY, 1701.AZ and 1704.AE) Checkbox.936 Civil_IV (533 and 837) Claire.821 Cliff.1313 CMOS_Death Cmosmess (3622 and 3710) Creeper.478 Croatia_II.560 Cuareim.800 Currar.1171 Danish_Tiny.282 Dark_Apocalyse.1023 Dark_Avenger.1800.AD Dayton.792 Dear.524 Delta.1163 Diamond.1096 Diw (386, 389, 393, 428, 480, 488, 512, 555, 565, 597 and 600) Dolong.1380 Drepo.2461 Dutch_tiny.98 DVA (437, 443, 445, 490, 640, 749 and 753) Eastern_Digital.1700 Epsilon (513 and 1498) Equals.2221 Fax_Free.1024.Pisello.C Flip.2153.K Gerli.593 Ginger.2848 Glitch,469 Glupak.847.C Gotcha (613 and 623) Hare (7610, 7750 and 7786) Hera.1208 HLLP (5062, 5176 and 6917) IBVV.742 Icelandic (642.D, 642.E and 1618.G) Indonesia.2456 Insert.260 Intruder (459, 879, 956, 1347 and 2028) IR&MJ IVP (335, 336, 475, 495.B, 582, 648, 674.B, 693.B, 737 and 744) Jerusalem (1349, 1808.Frere.N, 1808.Null.C, 1808.New11, 1808.Sumsdos.AW and 2012) Jorgito.730 Jovial.503 JTTP.3423 June_24.570 Keeper.776 Khiznjak.507 Kobrin.492 Laroux (Excel) Leech.1024 (C and D) Leo Little (159 and 268) Little_Boy.944 Lovebuzz.591 Lupus.866 Macav.1000 Mango.470 Marcia.4651 Markt.1548 Matador.832 Mathiew (2667 and 3044) Michael.1458 Mirea.703 Mrei.313 Natas (4826 and 4926) Nazgul.209 Necropolis.1963.E Nightking.1568 Oktubre.1784 Oolong.1380 Ornate Parity_Boot (C and D) Peligro.1206 Pepper.528 Power_Off.798 Probe.2140 Proto-T.690 PS-MPC (272, 294, 356.B, 358.B, 365, 424.B, 431, 432.B, 433.A, 433.B, 434, 440, 444.C, 446.C, 446.D, 446.E, 447, 448.A, 448.B, 466, 475.D, 479, 490.B, 504.B, 509.B, 512, 513.C, 513.D, 513.E, 518, 520.E, 522.B, 526.C, 528.C, 528.D, 533.B, 534.B, 536.B, 539, 555.B, 568.B, 580, 591.E, 591.F, 592.R, 592.S, 592.T, 592.U, 592.V, 592.W, 592.X, 592.Y, 592.Z, 592.AA, 592.AB, 592.AC, 592.AD, 592.AE, 592.AF, 593.H, 593.I, 593.J, 593.K, 593.L, 596.E, 596.F, 597.W, 597.X, 597.Y, 597.Z, 597.AA, 597.AB, 597.AC, 597.AD, 597.AE, 597.AF, 598.P, 598.Q, 598.R, 598.S, 600.C, 601.B, 602.F, 602.G, 604, 611.U, 618, 640.B, 641.B, 653 and 658) Rabbit.B Retaliator.1529 Riot (1409 and 1435) Romania.856 Rose Salieri.1745 Salman.2000 Sentinel.4638 Sepultura SillyC (90, 115, 147, 155.B, 165, 187, 191, 200, 202, 212, 213, 215.C, 224, 226.B, 228 and 335) SillyComp.219 SilliCR.59 Sineda.1208 Skater.819 Stdemo.803 Suriv_1 (897.I, 897.J and 942) Swiss_Boot.C Tai-Pan.513 Timish.2132 Topper.1024.B Tsc.714 Tucuman.828 Tula.1540 Tula_II.1656 Ufro Umbrella.3173 Vacsina.1212.B VCC (269.B, 313.A, 313.B, 313.C, 313.D, 350.A, 350.B, 350.C, 350.D, 350.E, 350.F, 350.G, 350.H, 389 and 392) VCL (523, 596 and 758) White_Lion.942 Viaggio.1051 Vienna (481, 502, 636, 637.B, 639 and 1278) Vota.591 Voyage.1134 WereWolf_III.1168 X-ray.2050 Xuxa.1984 Yankee_Doodle.1672 Yosha.975 Zarina.590 Zibbert.1268 The following 73 new viruses are now detected and identified but can not yet be removed. _699 _1587 _1730 AOS (794, 802, 812, 820, 826, 832, 844, 851 and 860) Bladder.1015 BW (548, 630, 634, 637, 640, 641, 642, 648.A, 648.B and 649.B) DBCE.3403 Doubleheart.645 Edwin Enjoy.1667 Father_Mac (784, 794, 833, 1437, 1446, 1495, 1508, 1531, 1534, 1579 and 1622) Gosha.1831 Httm.580 INT_12 IVP (667, 683.B and 814 Kvapavka.879 Lyubasha.381 Majkl (1432 and 1503) Mathiew (2667 and 3044) Moonlite.343 Ninja.1195 NRLG (818 and 844) Number_of_the_Beast.512.AD Ornate Prdevil.716 Ratboy.463 Seat.2419 Shff.4509 Skvernuk.599 Small_comp.100.C Topper.1024 Ufo.1468 VCC.424 Veronika.1549.B Voyager.508 Walhala.1283 Wildy (399, 402 and 421) Xute.1182 Zub.792 The following 1 new virus is now detected, but not identified. VirusNet will just report the family name with a (?) or report the virus as "New or modified variant", as it is not yet able to determine which variant it is dealing with. Disinfection of this virus is not yet possible. Tentacle_II The following 13 viruses which were identified by earlier versions can now be removed. Caco.2965 Dementia.4207 Hate.971 Legozz.1000 Pojer (1919, 1935, 1941 and 1949) Screaming_Fist (625, 650 and 724) Werewolf (1500.A and 1500.B) The following viruses have been renamed: _1315 -> Zibbert.1315 _2965 -> Caco.2965 ### End of README.TXT ###